Planning a funeral
When arranging a funeral, you will have to make decisions on:
The value of the GBA membership benefits is sufficient for the basic costs of a funeral or cremation. These benefits include the coffin (the next of kin will have a choice of coffins), all the arrangements, registration of death as well as the conducting of the funeral/cremation service. We will also contribute an amount towards the cost i.e. Grave/cremation fees, hymn leaflets, church fees, doctor’s fees etc. Whatever exceeds the contribution, the family must pay 24 hours prior to commencing of the funeral/cremation service.
We do supply a shroud for the deceased to be dressed in, but you as a family are more than welcome to provide us with clothing. Please keep in mind that the clothing you bring is comfortable, maybe a favourite shirt and pants or dress etc.
To arrange for a viewing, is and stays the family’s choice.
This can be arranged to take place at our office or at the church (if the church gives their consent.)
We recommend strongly that at least one family member identifies the deceased on the day of the funeral, reason being that the family will have the certainty that the person in the coffin is their loved one.
To understand someone else's and even your own grief may be quite difficult, therefore we provide our members with literature regarding the loss of a loved one. When you visit our office, please ask for this product. It is free.
When you visit our office, please ask for this free product?